DESIGNS IN SPACE (BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition) The Principles of the Bauhaus, together with its philosophical and political legacy, continue to haunt our design and architectural industries. Designs in Space reflects how the movements influence remains pervasive and inescapable. I unify geometries, typography, and architecture, inspired by the goal of fusing applied and fine arts into a single creative expression. To emulate crucial aspects of the style, I emphasize minimalism, symmetry, refraction, and perspective — characteristics of a built environment. The contents work together instead of being seen as separate entities, both a rejection and an embrace of the evolution of modernity.
This hand-made, hardcover book includes 52 pages comprised of photography, design and typography. 8 translucent vellum pages of design elements (not depicted in mockups) show comparisons between a design/photograph, design/typography, or design/design. The cover was screen printed with an acrylic paint onto the book cloth - 2 final versions were made.